Due to wet fields, when we get a break in the weather, we will play varsity softball and baseball first. Other levels if possible afterwards.

Checkout the latest construction pictures! https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/construction-information

SENIORS: Graduation photography information found here https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/article/261727?org=clarke-high-school

ATTENTION 2020 SENIORS: JUNE 28TH GRADUATION INFORMATION https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/article/261621?org=clarke-high-school

If you have not filled out the Technology Survey, please do so by June 24th. Thanks! http://bit.ly/iowatechsurvey

Dear Clarke Community,
The past three months have been very difficult to say the least. We have had to cancel many events, postpone events, and go virtual for some. We regret to inform you that the 2020 Prom has been officially cancelled. However, we always try to find a silver lining in all things. So, this Saturday, 20 June between 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM at bandstand on the square, the After Prom committee is hosting a Facebook live event in order to present juniors and seniors prizes that would have been distributed at Prom. Again, we apologize for the cancellation. Any questions about Prom, contact Mr. Stephens sstephens@clarke.k12.ia.us
Any after prom questions, contact the after prom committee chair person, Mrs. Tina Kindred.

Summer Ball Fans: Please remember that sunflower seeds and bubble gum are banned from all ball fields this summer. Please follow all DE and local guidelines. Thank you

Congratulations to Devin DeVore, our new South Central Vice President for the 2020-2021 FFA State Officer Team!!!!

Technology and family needs surveys are now open. Read more and find the links here: https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/article/258938?org=clarke-community-schools

Clarke Working on Return to Learn Plan https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/article/257581?org=clarke-community-schools

SENIORS: if you have not yet turned in your Chromebooks, please do so as soon as possible. 8:00 to 3:30, entrance 31, LMC, Today through Friday,

Thanks again to Osceola Foods for donating the senior class signs on the courthouse lawn. SENIORS: you may pick up your sign this afternoon.

Did you miss it? Virtual graduation is still available through the YouTube link to view at your convenience. https://youtu.be/MQHxAT2l4nk

SAVE THE DATE! Clarke will attempt to have an in-person graduation of some type (more traditional or drive-thru) on JUNE 28th depending on the restrictions in place at that time.

Virtual Graduation starting NOW! https://youtu.be/MQHxAT2l4nk

Join us for Clarke Virtual Graduation! Premiere at 2:00 PM. https://youtu.be/MQHxAT2l4nk

Clarke Virtual Graduation premieres at 2:00 tomorrow on the Clarke CSD YouTube Channel! https://youtu.be/MQHxAT2l4nk

Students who took Agriculture with me this year!!!! Please fill out this State Report! Due June 1st.
Chapter Number = 0173
District = SC
If not in FFA a lot of answers will be NA

Grades 8-11: Fall musical auditions will be May 18 starting at 7 PM and May 21 starting at 10 AM through Zoom. More information available here https://tinyurl.com/ycu2m3xr including audition sign up.

SAVE THE DATE! Clarke will attempt to have an in-person graduation of some type (more traditional or drive-thru) on JUNE 28th depending on the restrictions in place at that time.