Clarke Schools Update 3/16/20 https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/article/211154?org=clarke-community-schools

CORONAVIRUS-RELATED CLARKE SCHOOL CLOSURE UPDATE https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/article/210419?org=clarke-community-schools

The FFA Banquet scheduled for March 24th has been postponed until a later date. More details after Spring Break.

Spring break begins on Monday, March 16th and school resumes on Monday, March 23rd.

Hello everyone! We would like to invite you to participate in a 5k color run/walk to raise awareness for cancer. It is a FREE WILL DONATION and there will be color run white T-shirts for purchase (or bring your own) and ALL proceeds will be donated to cancer research. Anyone and any amount donated can make a difference!
Saturday April 4th at 1pm @ Q pond in Osceola IA

K-12 parent-teacher conferences will be Tuesday, March 10th and Thursday, March 12th. School will be dismissed 1-hour early on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Spring break begins on Monday, March 16th and school resumes on Monday, March 23rd.

Good Luck to all the Osceola Big Chief FFA kids competing at Districts today

K-12 parent-teacher conferences will be Tuesday, March 10th and Thursday, March 12th. School will be dismissed 1-hour early on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Spring break begins on Monday, March 16th and school resumes on Monday, March 23rd.

HS Wrestling awards night will be Monday, March 9th at 5:30 in the cafeteria.

Come and watch the First Annual Fine Arts Night - Tonight, Tuesday, March 3. This is a mix of the fine arts starting at 7 pm in the Auditorium. Donations accepted at the door. The Fall Musical will also be announced at the end of the evening.

February 2020 Construction Update with pictures. https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/construction-information

There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 17th. This is a teacher professional development day. Classes resume on Tuesday, February 18th.

The SCC Speech Tournament scheduled for today at Chariton, has been postponed until next Wednesday.

Reminder to all potential spring sport athletes/parents/guardians. All registrations are done online this season. Please go to the school website/app to get started.


For the month of February, every time a $2.50 red My Heart reusable bag is sold at Hy-Vee Dollar Fresh (Osceola location), Clarke Community Schools Food & Clothing Pantry will receive a $1 donation. Help if you can!

Tonight’s HS Boys Basketball games at Pleasantville will be played in this order starting @4:30: JV2, JV1, Varsity

The Albia basketball games scheduled for today, have been rescheduled for tomorrow. Varsity only starting at 2pm. youth cheer will be moved to a different date. Senior Night and Coaches vs. Cancer events will be Feb. 6.

The HS Basketball games scheduled for tonight with Albia have been postponed to a later date. TBD
