School dismisses at 2:25 today.
over 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Don’t forget to bring back your signed Google form on Monday! Students without a signed form will not be able to use Chromebooks or Google app products.
over 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
TOMORROW DROP OFF AND PARKING at MS/HS MS/HS parents MUST drop off students at entrance 8. This is on the south side of the building next to the band room. Any students driving MUST park in the student parking lot.
over 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
TOMORROW DROP OFF AND PARKING at MS/HS MS/HS parents MUST drop off students at entrance 8. This is on the south side of the building next to the band room. Any students driving MUST park in the student parking lot.
over 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
The Access/Traffic plan for the MS/HS Building is available here:
over 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
DEADLINE IS MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! Order Clarke apparel for ALL fall sports in one place. Football, volleyball, and cross country.
over 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Correction: 7th grade orientation will not be in the HS auditorium on August 20th. This will take place in the MS classrooms. Staff will be available to direct you to the appropriate classroom. Enter through the MS main doors or entrance 28 if construction does not allow use of the MS main doors.
over 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Back to school week events! Monday, August 19th: Back to School Wellness Fair, 4-6 PM in the MS gym. Monday, August 19th: Freshmen orientation, 6:30-8 in the HS auditorium Tuesday, August 20th: 7th Grade orientation, 6:30-8 in the HS auditorium Wednesday, August 21st: Elementary open house, 4-6 PM Thursday, August 22nd: Thursday Night in the Park w/ Clarke @ 5:30, Osceola Square Friday, August 23rd: First day of school, 1-hour early out
over 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Order Clarke apparel for ALL fall sports in one place! Football, volleyball, and cross country.
over 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Reminder that ALL 7-12 Athletes must have a current physical and a new 2019-20 Concussion Form completed and on file prior to practice. This is an IGHSAU/IHSAA rule.
over 5 years ago, Randy Bolton
Clarke calendar is now directly connected with the South Central Iowa Conference calendar! You can access it through our app and website.
over 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Students coming to the high school today can’t park around the building today due to registration. Park in the student parking lot.
over 5 years ago, Randy Bolton
The Clarke App is back in the Apple Store. If you don’t have this app yet, go get it now!
over 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Sign up for fall driver's ed at Clarke is open at Search "Osceola". Class starts September 4th. Mondays and Wednesdays from 4-7 pm through October 7th. Additional driving times arranged by instructors. Costs and other information at the website. Sign up is no longer through the school office.
over 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Tomorrow is the last day to sign up for Clarke football camps and be guaranteed a T-shirt. Walk-Ups are welcome. Forms can be found here: ​Please return forms to the HS office.
over 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
For new Clarke families or those in need of computer access for school registration, in-person school registration is Thursday, August 1st from 9-7 in the MS/HS Library. Use entrance 28. For current Clarke families, register online now!
over 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Check out the 2019 Clarke football camp opportunities!
over 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Reminder that official fall practices (9-12 grade) start August 12th. Must have current physical on file and concussion form completed. Make appointment for physicals ASAP.
over 5 years ago, Randy Bolton
Infinite Campus may be down on Friday, July 12th for system work. This may or may not affect online registration. If you experience problems, please try again later.
over 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Varsity Softball will start no sooner than 615 due to lightning delay freshmen game will play after varsity
over 5 years ago, Shane Stephens