The Back to School Wellness Fair is open until 7:00pm at Clarke Community High School! La Féria de salud de La escuela Clarke Community estara abierta hasta las 7pm en la High School!
over 1 year ago, Clarke Community School District
The Back to School Wellness Fair is open until 7:00pm at Clarke Community High School! La Féria de salud de La escuela Clarke Community estara abierta hasta las 7pm en la High School!
over 1 year ago, Clarke Community School District
👟🥫Shout out to the Clarke Community High School Boys and Girls Cross Country team for helping stock the Clarke Food Pantry yesterday after practice! These student-athletes have made community service one of their team goals this year and we were thrilled the Clarke Food Pantry was their first service project! 👟🥫Reconocimiento especial para los chicos y chicas de la Preparatoria Comunitaria Clarke del equipo de Campo Traviesa por ayudar a abastecer el dispensario de comida después de su práctica! Estos estudiantes-atletas han hecho del trabajo comunitario una de sus metas este año y estamos muy emocionados de que el dispensario de comida haya sido su primer proyecto de servicio.
over 1 year ago, Clarke Community School District
Updated Chromebook Pick Up Times for HS Students: Wednesday, August 16 from 12:30-3:30pm Thursday, August 17 from 7:30-11:00am and 12:00pm-3:30pm Monday, August 21 from 7:30-11:00am and 12:00pm-3:30pm Tuesday, August 22 from 7:30-11:00am and 12:00pm-3:30pm
over 1 year ago, Becca Kedley
Middle School and High School schedules will go live on August 18th. If you have questions, please contact DeeAnn Clark or Shelly Morgan. If you need assistance logging into Infinite Campus, please contact your building administrative assistant. Los horarios de clases para la Secundaria y Preparatoria estarán listos el 18 de Agosto. Si tienen preguntas, por favor contacten a DeeAnn Clark o Shelly Morgan. Si necesita asistencia para entrar a Infinite Campus, por favor contacte al asistente administrativo de su edificio.
over 1 year ago, Becca Kedley
class schedule
🚨Attention High School Students!🚨Your Chromebook will be available to pick up on August 14-17 and 21-22 from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm. Please use entrance 31 and go to the LMC. Middle School Students- you will get your Chromebook on the first day of school. 🚨¡Atención Estudiantes de Preparatoria! 🚨 Su Chromebook estará disponible para recogerse del 14-17 de Agosto de las 7:40 am a las 3:30 pm. Por favor usen la entrada 31 y vayan a la LMC. Estudiantes de secundaria- ustedes recibirán su Chromebook el primer día de clases.
over 1 year ago, Becca Kedley
Please join us in kicking off the school year on Tuesday, August 22nd at 5:30 pm for Clarke in the Park!
over 1 year ago, Becca Kedley
Today was the first day of fall sports practice for high school student athletes! Teams are working on the fundamentals of their sport to kick start the season! It is not too late to register on Bound to join a fall athletic activity! 👟🏈🏐
over 1 year ago, Becca Kedley
CCSD onsite registration will take place on Tuesday, August 8th from 9:00 am-7:00 pm in the Clarke Central Administrative Offices (802 N. Jackson St.).
over 1 year ago, Becca Kedley
Mark your calendars! Here are the Clarke Community School District Back to School and Upcoming Activities Events!
over 1 year ago, Becca Kedley
Welcome to CCSD, Mr. Blazevich! Check out this article to learn more about Mr. Blazevich and his goals for Clarke High School:
over 1 year ago, Becca Kedley
Joe Blazevich
Fall 2023 Activities Schedule
over 1 year ago, Becca Kedley
activities schedule
Greetings from the Clarke Schools Food Pantry! There have been some new, exciting developments that we would like to share with you! We recently began a partnership with the Food Bank of Iowa. This means we will be getting new inventory every two weeks. We are still welcoming and grateful for any donations we receive! Beginning on Monday, June 26 all Clarke families are welcome to shop for their own food, so you can pick the food your family would enjoy most! You will no longer be receiving a bag at the door. If you need assistance shopping, we are happy to accommodate. With our new system, when you come for the first time, on or after June 26, there will be a short survey for you to complete. We will have wonderful volunteers available on Monday to support this transition. Both English and Spanish speaking volunteers will be present. A couple huge shout outs- thank you to Faith Fellowship Youth Ministry and Thomas Kedley for helping unload and organize our record-breaking first order. Thank you also to Osceola Parks and Recreation staff (Dan Cooper, Taylor Andrew, Mike Lewis and Brock Nall), Marcus Kious and Derek Van Blarcom for helping unload and install our heavy, new double refrigerator! The Clarke Schools Food Pantry is open Mondays from 4:00-5:00pm and is located in the Clarke Central Office Building. It is free and open to all Clarke Schools families.
over 1 year ago, Becca Kedley
laundry soap
canned aisles
peanut butter
Due to impending weather, softball will play Varsity first tonight. Good Luck Ladies!
almost 2 years ago, Alan Dykens
It is almost time for Graduation! You can watch it in Facebook and our sports channel. Congratulations to all of our graduates.
almost 2 years ago, Alan Dykens
9-11 Academic Awards We will be having a ninth grade through eleventh grade academic awards assembly for students during advisory on April 26th. The eleventh grade will receive their awards from 11:15-11:40. The ninth and tenth graders will receive their awards from 11:45-12:10. Families are welcome to attend if they'd like. Please call the HS office with any questions. Katie Enos HS Principal
almost 2 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Any current 8th, 9th, 10th, or 11th grade student who is interested in flags should attend the meeting on Wednesday at 7:30 AM in the 7-12 band room. Any student who cannot attend the meeting will need to talk to Mrs. Kelso for more information.
almost 2 years ago, Karina Kelso
Any current 8th, 9th, 10th, or 11th grade student who is interested in flags should attend the meeting on Wednesday at 7:30 AM in the 7-12 band room. Any student who cannot attend the meeting will need to talk to Mrs. Kelso for more information.
almost 2 years ago, Karina Kelso
about 2 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
about 2 years ago, Clarke Community Schools