Washington DC/Boston meeting
Thursday, Sep 20th, 6:30pm
Clarke MS/HS Library
Invites went home today with all 6th-8th graders that are not already registered
Come find out how you can save $150 towards registration.
All former student travelers are also invited to learn how you can potentially earn a partial scholarship to put towards your trip.
See Mr Beener with any questions

There will be a short informational meeting for Clarke's cyber defense team on Wednesday, September 19th, immediately after school. Should only be about 15 minutes. Students need to see Mrs. Murphy if they cannot attend to pick up forms.

Homecoming t-shirts for sale next week in the choir room before and after school, as well as 7:30-8 at the elementary on Tuesday, on Boom Night and at the game Friday night. $5. YS-YL, S-4X sizes while supplies last. Junior class fundraiser for Prom! Thanks to all our sponsors!

There will be a MS dance on Friday, September 14 from 7:00-9:30 PM, sponsored by a local TTT organization. Cost is $3 per person and there will be snacks and beverages available for purchase. Dress is casual.

8th Gr Parents-Ask your kid for the log in info to sign up for 'remind' notifications for Mrs. Wishon's reading class. Or email Mrs. Wishon at rwishon@clarke.k12.ia.us.

Just a reminder, the Clarke Middle School Tailgate Party is this Friday, August 31st, from 4:30 To 6:00 p.m., @ Entry 31 entrance.

MS Volleyball practice will begin Aug. 23 before school. MS FB will begin Aug. 23 after school. If not signed up - still be present.

Middle school orientation @ 6:30 on Tuesday, August 21st. This is for all incoming 7th graders and any 8th graders who are new to Clarke and their families. Use the middle school entrance and you will be directed from that location.