Clarke Community Schools Update: Student Nutrition & Staff Pay

Clarke Meal Distribution Information (Spanish translation) DISTRIBUCIÓN DE COMIDA EN LAS ESCUELAS CLARKE https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/article/218133?org=clarke-community-schools

SWCC Students: Online classes will continue without interruption. High school students taking face-to-face concurrent enrollment courses at local high schools (including C-D) will follow the high school calendars. If there are questions, contact jscott@clarke.k12.ia.us. (2/2)

SWCC Students: Face-to-face classes at campus and centers (including ICN delivery) will transition to online delivery Mon, Mar 23rd. Classes will be delivered online until at least Fri, Apr 3. Watch for communication from instructors (via email or Canvas Inbox) for details. (1/2)

Clarke Schools Meal Distribution

Do you have questions for Mrs. Scott about SWCC courses, e2020 classes, scholarships, and more during the closure? Check out this information. https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/article/216662?org=clarke-high-school

All coronavirus-related information, news, and resources can also be found in one place on our school website. https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/o/clarke-community-schools/page/coronavirus-related-information

Educational resources for at home learning is available. https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/article/215230?org=clarke-community-schools

All Clarke coronavirus-related information can be found here: https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/o/clarke-community-schools/page/coronavirus-related-information

Clarke Students Mental Health Services

Clarke Activities Update 3/17/20

Clarke Schools Update 3/16/20 https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/article/211154?org=clarke-community-schools

CORONAVIRUS-RELATED CLARKE SCHOOL CLOSURE UPDATE https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/article/210419?org=clarke-community-schools

The school food pantry will not be open over Spring Break (March 16).

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, EF has postponed the Washington, D.C. spring break trip to a later date.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, EF has postponed the Washington, D.C. spring break trip to a later date.

Midterm grades for high school students enrolled in SWCC courses have been updated and are available on Campus Portal. The midterm grade is listed as the quarter 3 grade.

Spring break begins on Monday, March 16th and school resumes on Monday, March 23rd.

Now Open! MS Scholastic Book Fair
When: March 9 - March 13, 2020
Times: Monday, March 9 - 9 am - 3:25, Tuesday, March 10 - 8 am – 8:00 pm (open during Parent/Teacher Conferences), Wednesday, March 11 - 8 am - 2:30, Thursday, March 12- 8 am – 8 pm (open during Parent/Teacher Conferences), Friday, March 13 - 8 am - 3:25
Where: MS/HS Library
Book Fair information is available now! Online Shopping will be open March 1 to March 14, 2020, 12:00 am to 11:59 pm! Follow the link below:

Clarke Archery had a great time at the Iowa NASP state tournament last weekend, and we would like to congratulate each archer who participated! Check out the photos and scores below.