It is almost time for Graduation! You can watch it in Facebook and our sports channel. Congratulations to all of our graduates.
over 1 year ago, Alan Dykens
Order your Clarke Elementary Yearbook! Go to: and enter code: 14739923 Orders due March 31st!
almost 2 years ago, Becca Kedley
There is a 1 hour early dismissal today (3/7) and Thursday (3/9) for conferences.
almost 2 years ago, Becca Kedley
It is time to order your Clarke Elementary Yearbook! All orders will be placed online at with the code 14739923. The deadline to order is March 31, 2023. This is only for the Elementary School; more information to come for the secondary school.
almost 2 years ago, Becca Kedley
Join us for the PTCO carnival tonight from 6-8pm! Please use entrance 5! All tickets are a quarter each!
almost 2 years ago, Becca Kedley
Clarke Elementary FFA Dress Up Days for next week:
almost 2 years ago, Becca Kedley
FFA Dress Up days
February 16, 2023 Due to inclement weather, Clarke CSD will be closed with no nighttime activities. Be safe.
almost 2 years ago, Alan Dykens
Clarke Elementary December Dress Up Days:
about 2 years ago, Becca Kedley
december dress up days
Flu Season Letter from Nurse Mrs. Miller:
about 2 years ago, Becca Kedley
flu letter english
flu letter spanish
Gobble Grams are available for purchase $1 each! Student Council will be selling them in the coatrooms Monday (11/21) and Tuesday (11/22)!
about 2 years ago, Becca Kedley
gobble gram
Clarke Elementary welcomed Veda Tucker on November 16 and 17 from Rachel’s Challenge. She talked to our students about the importance of being kind and starting a kindness movement! She challenged our students to do the following: 1. Be kind, say kind things, and do kind things 2. Accept and include others 3. Choose positive influences 4. Dream big set goals and keep a journal 5. Start a chain reaction The students in grades K-5 accepted this challenge to become a school that promotes kindness and compassion. Special thank you to our student council students for introducing our presenter and thanking them at the end! Let the KINDNESS movement begin!
about 2 years ago, Becca Kedley
over 2 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Please check out the Elementary's Online Book Fair. Click on the link toto start shopping.
almost 4 years ago, Ann Fantz
Book Fair Clipart
Just a reminder, if your student is in need of clothing, shoes, or coats (limited sizes available), please contact our Social Worker, Mrs. Hemesath by calling the office of the school your child attends.
about 4 years ago, Jean Bahls
It's Book Fair Time!! This year it will look a bit different, but it may actually be better!! Now you can shop from the comfort of your own home and have the books delivered directly to your home!! If you want to purchase books for gifts, your kids will never know! Any purchase, big or small, helps support the school library. The Elementary Book Fair starts next week, Oct. 26th and runs through Nov. 8th. The website won't be live until then. Here is the link.
over 4 years ago, Ann Fantz
Book Fair Clipart
You can access the school board meeting via Zoom using the information below. Topic: My Meeting Time: Sep 30, 2020 05:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 972 7835 4170 Passcode: gQ13P2
over 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
The school social worker and elementary school nurse are now accepting clothing donations, with a higher need for boys pants size 5 and up. Please let the school social worker know if you are in need of anything Clothes can be dropped off at the elementary office.
over 4 years ago, Jean Bahls
Picture day is September 23rd. Your student(s) can pick up packets in the high school office starting Friday, September 11th.
over 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Reminder: there is no school on Monday, September 21st. It is a teacher work day.
over 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Picture day is September 23rd. Your student(s) can pick up packets in the high school office starting Friday, September 11th.
over 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools