Parents/guardians of current 11th grade students: Please see attachment for information regarding required vaccinations for entry into the 12th grade. Padres / tutores de los estudiantes actuales del 11 ° grado: Consulte el adjunto para obtener información sobre las vacunas requeridas para ingresar al 12 ° grado.
almost 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Those attending the B/G HS Track meet in ADM on April 6th, will need to purchase their tickets online.
almost 4 years ago, Randy Bolton
ISASP testing for grades 3-11 begins Monday. Read more at the link below:
almost 4 years ago, Jean Bahls
The HS G/B Track meet scheduled for today has been postponed until tomorrow starting at 4pm. Coaches will communicate via Band to athletes on practice for today.
almost 4 years ago, Randy Bolton
about 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Just a reminder that in order to attend the Variety Show tonight, you must be a part of the performers pass list. The show is being livestreamed on:
about 4 years ago, Randy Bolton
Tomorrow is red and white day to conclude our FCCLA Week. There will be an FCCLA meeting during lunch/advisory tomorrow, Friday, February 12 in the FCS room, 109. Any and all are welcome!!!
about 4 years ago, April Smith
Thursday, February 11 is Throwback Day for FCCLA Week, FCCLA helps students relate to people of all ages. Show us your style from Middle/Elementary School!
about 4 years ago, April Smith
Don’t forget...for FCCLA week, tomorrow, Wednesday is Decades Day! Good leaders can be found in all decades throughout history.
about 4 years ago, April Smith
Teachers, students...reminder...this week is FCCLA WEEK February 8-12 Monday-PJ Day Start FCCLA Week off in the comfiest way possible! Tuesday-Career/College Day The first “C” stands for career. Show us what you want to do as a career OR where you want to go for college! Wednesday-Decades Day Good leaders can be found in all decades throughout history. Thursday-Throwback Day FCCLA helps students relate to people of all ages. Show us your style from Middle/Elementary School! Friday-Red and White Show your FCCLA pride by wearing the official FCCLA colors!
about 4 years ago, April Smith
No high school teacher meeting today, Wednesday, January 27th. Please drive safely on your way to school.
about 4 years ago, Shane Stephens
The NHS Induction Ceremony has been postponed due to COVID concerns and new inductees can check their email for more information.
about 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
The induction ceremony for the National Honors Society will take place on Tuesday, December 22nd at 12:45 PM in the high school auditorium. Each new inductee is limited to no more than two guests and the wearing of masks will be strictly enforced. The ceremony should end before the 1:25 dismissal at the end of the day. Guests are asked to park in the south parking lot.
about 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
From the high school office: Please disregard the previous message regarding the ACT. The ACT will be held on Saturday December 12th at Clarke High School.
over 4 years ago, Jean Bahls
From the High School Office: Students registered for the ACT on December 12th, please be advised no testing will be held at Clarke High School. Please contact ACT with any questions.
over 4 years ago, Jean Bahls
Just a reminder, if your student is in need of clothing, shoes, or coats (limited sizes available), please contact our Social Worker, Mrs. Hemesath by calling the office of the school your child attends.
over 4 years ago, Jean Bahls
The Clarke Girl's Basketball Jamboree tonight vs. Wayne will be livestreamed via Facebook Live. The game is scheduled to start at 6:15. Go to the Clarke Community Schools Facebook page. If you don't have Facebook, go to:
over 4 years ago, Randy Bolton
There is a high school Book Club meeting tomorrow morning at 7:30 in the LMC. All HS students who are interested are welcome!
over 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
over 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools