High School Parents: We are looking for parent feedback regarding our parent teacher conferences for this Spring. Please take a moment to fill out this short anonymous survey. https://forms.gle/ECXBb7XdDwsZo4Yj9
about 3 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Clarke students make it to State Speech in the category of Musical Theater! 🎭
about 3 years ago, 7th gr. Choir
Clarke students receive a division 1 rating in Musical Theater
High School Parents: please use this link to schedule conferences with your student’s advisor for Tuesday, October 26 or Thursday, October 28 from 3-8. We look forward to seeing you in the High School Gym. https://www.ptcfast.com/schools/Clarke_High_School
over 3 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
High School Parents: please use this link to schedule conferences with your student’s advisor for Tuesday, October 26 or Thursday, October 28 from 3-8. We look forward to seeing you in the High School Gym. https://www.ptcfast.com/schools/Clarke_High_School
over 3 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
High School Parents: please use this link to schedule conferences with your student’s advisor for Tuesday, October 26 or Thursday, October 28 from 3-8. We look forward to seeing you in the High School Gym. https://www.ptcfast.com/schools/Clarke_High_School
over 3 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
The Clarke Marching Band just received a Division 1 rating at State Marching Band competition this morning in Waukee!! Congratulations to everyone!
over 3 years ago, Randy Bolton
The Clarke Marching Band just received a Division 1 rating at State Marching Band competition this morning in Waukee!! Congratulations to everyone!
over 3 years ago, Randy Bolton
I-Ready testing will be the 16th and 17th of September. Testing will run from 8:10. - 10:10. Seniors do not have to be in school until 10:10.
over 3 years ago, Mr. Shane Stephens
Clarke Seniors please be certain to get your immunizations updated if needed and turned into the office. If your immunizations are not up to date, you will be sent home.
over 3 years ago, Mr. Shane Stephens
Parents, please be certain that if you have a 9th grader to get dental screening turned in to the HS office before the 25th of August.
over 3 years ago, Mr. Shane Stephens
HS fall sport practices begin August 9th. Must be registered on FamilyID and have a valid physical prior to practicing. Practices: Volleyball is from 8-11am, Cross Country is from 7-9am, Football is from 8:30-11:45am. MS will begin practices the 1st day of school.
over 3 years ago, Randy Bolton
MS and HS students will be taking the spring i-Ready test tomorrow and Thursday. Seniors do not need to report to school until 10:00 am.
almost 4 years ago, Jean Bahls
In order to attend the state qualifying track meet in Glenwood this Thursday, you must purchase tickets online. This is a IGHSAU/IHSAA directive. https://iahsaa.hometownticketing.com/embed/event/1008?es=ktumnql12ncvjgdu6i5k4gerta
almost 4 years ago, Randy Bolton
almost 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
As of now, the HS Boys & MS B/G Track are cancelled for tonight. HS B/G Golf has been postponed.
almost 4 years ago, Randy Bolton
Check out the following video honoring Clarke Community High School's SCC Academic Honors Award Recipients. Congratulations to Emma Bolton, Nicole Barnard, Allyson Abbas, Hailee Fry, and Kaitlyn Donaldson. https://vimeo.com/531500356
almost 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Below is a link to find the "A" and "B" high school honor roll lists for first semester of the 2020/2021 school year. Check out the hard work of our Clarke students. https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/o/clarke-high-school/browse/203806
almost 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Boy's tennis matches for tonight have been postponed due to wet courts.
almost 4 years ago, Randy Bolton
Remember there is a 9-12 teacher meeting tomorrow at LMC 730 AM
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Shane Stephens
Spectators attending the HS B/G Track meet at ADM (4/6) will have to purchase them online or at site via a QR Code. https://www.vancoevents.com/us/eventlist/admtickets
almost 4 years ago, Randy Bolton