Current 8th - 11th graders interested in playing football next fall there is a mandatory informational meeting regarding our summer schedule on Friday April 5th at 3:40 in the LMC, looking forward to seeing you there! If you are not able to make the meeting please let Coach Matthess know.

HS PARENTS: Students in grades 9, 11, & 12, are NOT testing during the Wednesday session on March 27th. These students are permitted to arrive at school at 9:15 am on Wednesday instead of the regular start time of 8:10. Those riding the bus can report to their testing classrooms for study hall. STUDENTS IN 10TH GRADE MUST BE AT SCHOOL BY 8:10.

Buses will be on hard surface only through March 29 morning and afternoon.

HS PARENTS: Students in grades 9, 11, & 12, are NOT testing during the Wednesday session on March 27th. These students are permitted to arrive at school at 9:15 am on Wednesday instead of the regular start time of 8:10. Those riding the bus can report to their testing classrooms for study hall. STUDENTS IN 10TH GRADE MUST BE AT SCHOOL BY 8:10.

March 25 buses on hard surface only morning and afternoon.

HS Students: Don't forget to have your Chromebook charged and ready each day next week for Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) testing. Testing will take place right away in the morning, so you must have your device charged before the school day begins. Thanks!

Next week is ISASP testing! Students in grades 3-11 have had exposure to this new online test through tool tutorials and some practice tests; however, extra practice and exposure would be beneficial. Here are the links to the tutorial and practice tests.

HS Students: Don't forget to have your Chromebook charged and ready each day next week for Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) testing. Testing will take place right away in the morning, so you must have your device charged before the school day begins. Thanks!

HS PARENTS: Students in grades 9, 11, & 12, are NOT testing during the Wednesday session on March 27th. These students are permitted to arrive at school at 9:15 am on Wednesday instead of the regular start time of 8:10. Those riding the bus can report to their testing classrooms for study hall. STUDENTS IN 10TH GRADE MUST BE AT SCHOOL BY 8:10.

HS Students: Don't forget to have your Chromebook charged and ready each day next week for Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) testing. Testing will take place right away in the morning, so you must have your device charged before the school day begins. Thanks!

Important After Prom meeting for junior parents tonight at 5:30 in HS Lounge. If unable to attend, please contact Paula Reece at 515-314-8203 to sign up to help on April 27.

Barring any more cancelled school days, the School Board approved the following changes to the 2018-19 school calendar.
Last day for students is Thursday, May 30th.
Last day for teachers is Wednesday, June 5th.

The Graceland Indoor event for HS girls and boys track has been changed from Sunday, March 24 to Friday, March 22. Please update your calendars.

Beginning March 18th until further notice buses will be on hard surface only morning and afternoon.

Clarke K-12: There will be no school March 11-15 for spring break. Classes will resume on Monday, March 18th.

CCHS is on Spring Break; however, all CCHS students who have SWCC classes at the SWCC center or SWCC campus must attend your SWCC classes.

Just a helpful reminder, even though we at CCHS are on spring break, SWCC students are still expected to attend all classes.

Just a reminder that the Clarke food and clothing pantry will be CLOSED today, March 11th. It will reopen Monday, March 18th.

The school board meeting scheduled for April 8th has been moved to April 11th @ 6:00 pm in the central office board room. This change is reflected on our website and app calendars. Thank you.

Check out how our Clarke archers are doing at the state tournament in Des Moines this weekend. https://nasptournaments.org/schoolsearch.aspx