Can't find MS/HS daily announcements on the Clarke app? MS & HS announcements are available via a link on the app. It is located as a pinned post in the both MS and HS Clarke Happenings area. Haven't got the app? Get it FREE in the Apple or Google app stores.
about 6 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Clarke happenings graphic about MS/HS daily announcements
High school wrestling awards will be Friday, March 8, at 5:30 p.m. in the LMC.
about 6 years ago, Paula Reece
Clarke Community Schools is interested in obtaining feedback about the Clarke App that was introduced this past fall. Please help by filling out this short survey. Thank you for your assistance!
about 6 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
survey image
Clarke K-12: Conferences will be taking place on March 5th and 7th (Tuesday & Thursday) from 3-8 pm. School will be dismissing one hour early on those days.
about 6 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Thursday February 21st buses on hard surface only morning and afternoon.
about 6 years ago, Steve Seid
Wednesday February 20th school is canceled.
about 6 years ago, Steve Seid
SIAC is now rescheduled to next Tuesday, February 26th from 5:30-7:00 in the middle school/ high school library. Enter through middle school entrance #31.
about 6 years ago, Jean Bahls
There will be an After Prom meeting for junior parents Wed., Feb. 20 at 5:30 p.m. in the HS lounge. Please plan to attend to finalize plans.
about 6 years ago, Paula Reece
Monday February 18 buses on hard surface only morning and afternoon.
about 6 years ago, Steve Seid
The high school talent show has been rescheduled for Feb. 21st at 7pm in the HS auditorium.
about 6 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
February 13 buses on hard surface only.
about 6 years ago, Steve Seid
February 12 Clarke schools are closed.
about 6 years ago, Steve Seid
The February 11 school board meeting has been postponed to February 21st at the same time and location.
about 6 years ago, Steve Seid
HS talent show for tonight has been postponed due to weather. Date to de determined.
about 6 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Monday February 11th school dismissed at 1:00 pm. No afternoon preschool. Buses on hard surface only.
about 6 years ago, Steve Seid
Monday February 11th buses on hard surface only morning and afternoon.
about 6 years ago, Steve Seid
Thursday February 7th no morning preschool.
about 6 years ago, Steve Seid
Thursday February 7th Clarke schools are on a 2 hour delay.
about 6 years ago, Steve Seid
WOW Wednesday is an elementary program. The program is canceled for February the 6th. School is NOT cancelled.
about 6 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Auditions for the HS spring play will be postponed tonight. The auditions will be at 2:30 pm in the chorus room on Wednesday.
about 6 years ago, Clarke Community Schools