FFA Fruit, Meat, and Cheese will be here Wednesday, December 5th. FFA Members please make plans to pick up after school, starting at 2:30-5:00
over 6 years ago, Brandi Boyd
Friday November 30th buses will be on hard surfaces only.
over 6 years ago, Steve Seid
The HS wrestling meet tomorrow night (Nov. 29) is at Mt Ayr, not Corning, like it says on the calendar. It starts at 5 p.m.
over 6 years ago, Paula Reece
Clarke Christmas Wish List Merchandise that got sent home with elementary students is due TOMORROW. Please send to school with your child or give to Mrs. Reece at the HS! Lots of great Clarke gifts for everyone on your list!
over 6 years ago, Paula Reece
Buses will pick up students on all open country roads.
over 6 years ago, Steve Seid
Iowa College Access Network (ICAN) LiveStream Events ICAN is offering its planning programs online. Parents and students can stream these events LIVE from any device and ask questions of ICAN student success advisors during the presentations. It’s the same information given in a traditional school-based evening presentation but offers the flexibility to access the information from anywhere. Families just need to register and they will receive a link to join these free events. How to Pay for College: Understanding the Financial Aid Process Perfect for seniors and parents Monday, December 3 at 5:30 pm Register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4124062901608732939 The Scholarship Process: A Guide for Seniors Perfect for seniors and parents Thursday, December 6 at 6 pm Register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5804782972787319820 If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Scott at the high school.
over 6 years ago, Jennifer Scott
Clarke Schools will have regular school hours Tuesday, November 27th. Buses will be on hard surfaces only.
over 6 years ago, Steve Seid
Clarke Community Schools will be closed Monday November 26, 2018.
over 6 years ago, Steve Seid
Clarke K-12: There will be no school Wednesday, November 21 through Friday, November 23rd due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. Classes will resume Monday, November 26th.
over 6 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Join us tomorrow, November 14th, from 5:30-7:00 pm in the MS/HS library for the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) meeting. We will prioritize action steps to meet previously set goals.
over 6 years ago, Jean Bahls
Come and visit OZ when the HS Drama and Music Departments present The Wizard of Oz this Friday @ Saturday @ 7:30. Reserved seats $7, General admission $5.
over 6 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Join us Tuesday, November 13th from 5:30-7 pm at Clarke HS for a free Thanksgiving feast. Open to Clarke school district families. We will be offering a free family photo and a take home fun activity. We look forward to seeing you there!
over 6 years ago, Jean Bahls
There will be a meeting for all 9-12 graders going out for wrestling on Tuesday, Nov. 6 at 4:15 in the wrestling room.
over 6 years ago, Paula Reece
Clarke Cyber Defense Team: What a great first round! With two days left for teams around the globe to compete, Clarke's three teams rank as the top three in Iowa. Way to go! Our next competition is December 7th. See the link below for specific scores. https://sites.google.com/clarke.k12.ia.us/marymurphy/cyberpatriot/scoresstats/2018-19
over 6 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Clarke Cyber Defense Team (MS/HS) Today's the day! Our first officially scored round of the season. This round and the next round determines which tier we compete in during the State-level round. Good luck Clarke CyberWarriors!
over 6 years ago, Clarke Cyber Defense Team
excited child next to computer
Next FFA Officer Meeting November 7th during Advisory and next chapter FFA meeting November 12th during lunch/advisory. Please communicate with your advisory teacher.
over 6 years ago, Brandi Boyd
The Munchkins are rehearsing their part in the high school play, “The Wizard of Oz”. Don’t miss this classic! November 9 and 10 at 7:30 pm in the HS auditorium.
over 6 years ago, Jean Bahls
Munchkins rehearsing
K-12 Reminder: There is no school on Friday, October 26th.
over 6 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Clarke MS & HS: Winter sports schedule now available! You can also view our schedule on the website and in the events section of the Clarke app.
over 6 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Winter 2018-19 calendar for sports
K-12: School will dismiss one hour early tomorrow (Thursday) for parent-teacher conferences (3-8pm)
over 6 years ago, Clarke Community Schools