One of the features of Bound is that students can register for any sport/activity they "may" want to participate in throughout the year now. The Clarke Activities Department is needing parents/guardians to register their students now. We are doing this in order to properly schedule events and fill coaching positions. Please go back into your Bound account and register accordingly.
over 2 years ago, Randy Bolton
To Junior and Senior student and parents: The next ACT test date is October 22nd. Registration deadline is September 16th.
over 2 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
The Clarke vs. Albia JV1 and Varsity Volleyball games will be live-streamed on the Clarke YouTube channel today. 5:30 first serve for JV1, followed by Varsity about 7pm.
over 2 years ago, Randy Bolton
Don’t forget the FFA BBQ tonight!!
over 2 years ago, Brandi Boyd
We are in need of some workers to assist with our home VB tournament tomorrow. We will still need people to run clock and keep book throughout the day. Also need line judges from about 2-4.
over 2 years ago, Randy Bolton
FFA members/families, along with new students who are interested in joining FFA, you are invited to the Welcome Back BBQ Tuesday, August 30th 6pm on the West side of the school. Food, information, and fun! Hope to see you there!
over 2 years ago, Brandi Boyd
There will be an organizational high school cheerleading meeting on Monday, August 8th from 6-8ish in the MS gym. Remember you must be registered on Bound prior to being allowed to practice.
over 2 years ago, Randy Bolton
Final reminder regarding the Fall Online Team Store. It closes tonight at 11:59pm.
over 2 years ago, Randy Bolton
Congratulations to the following baseball and softball players that were chosen to represent Clarke on the SCC All-Conference teams.
over 2 years ago, Randy Bolton
Correction on previous post. Store closes on Wednesday, August 3.
over 2 years ago, Randy Bolton
Due to field conditions, we are cancelling the JV baseball game tonight and planning on starting the varsity game at 7pm. We are hoping this will allow our field time to dry.
over 2 years ago, Randy Bolton
Due to impending rain/storms coming into area after 7pm tonight, we are playing the Varsity game at 5pm, followed by the JV game.
almost 3 years ago, Randy Bolton
Due to unplayable field conditions, the JV/V Baseball games at I-35 have been postponed to a later date.
almost 3 years ago, Randy Bolton
There will only be JV/V softball tonight starting at 5:30. Baseball also starts 5:30, JV/V.
almost 3 years ago, Randy Bolton
First day of rehearsals for Cal Lundquist as a Triple Threat competitor in the Iowa High School Musical Theater Awards Showcase.
almost 3 years ago, Chamber Choir
Cal Lundquist is excited to begin rehearsals for the Iowa High School Musical Theater Awards.
Due to a lack of a second certified umpire for our 9th SB game today, we are cancelling the 9th grade game. JV/V will still be played at 5:30.
almost 3 years ago, Randy Bolton
Below is a link to find the "A" and "B" high school honor roll lists for second semester of the 2020/2021 school year. Check out the hard work of our Clarke students.
almost 3 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Facebook live is now up for graduation. Clarke Community School District
almost 3 years ago, Mr. Shane Stephens
Please note my previous post about parking only applies to the Class of 2022. Graduation still starts at 2:00 PM. Sorry for the confusion. Mr. Stephens
almost 3 years ago, Mr. Shane Stephens
Please park in the student parking today. See you no later than 1:00 PM in Auditorium
almost 3 years ago, Mr. Shane Stephens