Seniors turn in Chromebook tomorrow, May 18 during advisory or for those who don’t get turned in tomorrow, you will need to turn it in on Friday upon return from Graduation practice. FYI make sure to have Charger as well. Its replacement cost is $50.00.
almost 3 years ago, Mr. Shane Stephens
Chromebook turn in for 9-11th grade students will be Monday, 23 May during your English class. If for some reason you are not in an English class, you will turn in during your advisory. FYI make sure to have Charger as well. It’s replacement cost is $50.00.
almost 3 years ago, Mr. Shane Stephens
The high school Chorus concert will be tomorrow evening (Tuesday) at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Singers should arrive between 6:15-6:30 p.m. Admission is free. Come out to support and hear our Clarke students perform.
almost 3 years ago, Chamber Choir
Reminder, ISASP test is Wednesday April 13th: Seniors do not report to high school classes until 10:00AM. All SWCC classes at SWCC center and Creston are still normal schedule. This schedule is also in effect on April 20th and 27th
almost 3 years ago, Mr. Shane Stephens
Any current 8th, 9th, 10th, or 11th grade student who is interested in flags should attend the meeting on Wednesday (March 30) during 9th hour in the 7-12 band room. Any student who cannot attend the meeting will need to talk to Mrs. Kelso for more information.
almost 3 years ago, Karina Kelso
Please join us for conferences today from 3-8pm. Sign up to visit high school teachers using this link
about 3 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
No school today, Monday, March 7th, no evening activities
about 3 years ago, Mr. Shane Stephens
Check out the HS/MS conference schedule for next week!
about 3 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Schedule your high school student's conferences using this link:
about 3 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Juniors-don’t forget to come get your Krispy Kreme donuts for delivery from the high school commons before 10:00 AM!!!
about 3 years ago, April Smith
High School Parents: Join us for Spring Conferences March 8th and 10th from 3-8pm. We are excited for you to meet with high school teachers in their classrooms and to see our school and classrooms. We will have escorts to help you navigate our school building. Please schedule your conferences with high school teachers using this link:
about 3 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Juniors-if you sold Krispy Kreme donuts, you need to pick them up between 9 AM-10 AM tomorrow, February 26, in the high school commons area…next to the high school office.
about 3 years ago, April Smith
The high school Fine Arts Night is coming up on March 1st. Come out to hear and support our talented Clarke students!
about 3 years ago, Chamber Choir
Fine Arts Night is March 1st.
Clarke High School student body cheered on Tyler Binning today in his first round match at the State Wrestling Tournament. He won his match with a pin in 1:32. We wish Tyler the best of luck tomorrow morning in the quarter finals!
about 3 years ago, April Smith
Clarke High School student body cheering on Tyler!
Clarke High School student body cheering on Tyler!
Clarke High School student body cheered on Tyler Binning today in his first round match at the State Wrestling Tournament.
State Bowling Shirts are available for a very short window of time today. 2 different shirts. Team and Individual.
about 3 years ago, Randy Bolton
Reminder that spring sport registration is open now on FamilyID. Go to Clarke website and search FamilyID. Online Spring Sport Apparel store closes 2/17 at 11:59.
about 3 years ago, Randy Bolton
Juniors…if you are selling donuts for after prom you have a few more days to sell to help make After Prom a success!! Money and order forms are due to Mrs. April Smith, Wednesday, February 16. Pick up for donuts will be Saturday, February 26 from 9am-10am in the high school commons area by the high school office. Have a wonderful Monday!
about 3 years ago, April Smith
The Spring Sports Online Apparel Store is now open for anyone to order from. It closes on 2/17/22 at 11:59pm.
about 3 years ago, Randy Bolton
The spring sports registration is now open. Please go to the following link for more details.
about 3 years ago, Randy Bolton
Spring Sports Registration is Now Open. Please go to the following link for more information.
about 3 years ago, Randy Bolton