Clarke District Return to Learn forum beginning at 10:00. Watch it live on our Facebook page or through the City of Osceola website. Questions can be asked through the FB livestream.
over 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Support the Clarke Athletic Department by ordering some delicious Krispy Kreme donuts! Order by July 16th & pick up on July 20th. Details and ordering at
over 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Krispy Kreme Donut logo
over 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Checkout the latest construction pictures!
over 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
If you have not filled out the Technology Survey, please do so by June 24th. Thanks!
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Technology and family needs surveys are now open. Read more and find the links here:
almost 5 years ago, Jean Bahls
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Virtual Graduation starting NOW!
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Join us for Clarke Virtual Graduation! Premiere at 2:00 PM.
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Clarke Virtual Graduation premieres at 2:00 tomorrow on the Clarke CSD YouTube Channel!
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Grades 8-11: Fall musical auditions will be May 18 starting at 7 PM and May 21 starting at 10 AM through Zoom. More information available here including audition sign up.
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
MS/HS students - Reminder- ALL library books are due back to school by May 29th. To return your book(s), please take them to the MS entrance and place them in the assigned area. Do not worry about paying overdue book fines at this time. All overdue book fines stopped on March 13th. All existing fines before that date have not increased while we have been away from school. Students that do not return library books will have the replacement fee(s) for the book(s) added to their library account, to be paid at a later date. If you have already returned your library books, THANK-YOU!! Mrs. Wiley, 7-12 Teacher Librarian"
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Grades 8-11: Fall musical auditions will be May 18 starting at 7 PM and May 21 starting at 10 AM through Zoom. More information available here including audition sign up.
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Grades 8-11: Fall musical auditions will be May 18 starting at 7 PM and May 21 starting at 10 AM through Zoom. More information available here including audition sign up beginning tomorrow.
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
As Continuous Learning comes to an end, please take note of the below dates. Thanks to students, staff, and families for all their work in making our Continuous Learning a success. Mr. Seid May 10th – Final video posted, for the week of May 11th May 11th-15th - Students’ final week of work May 18th – Final packets turned in (electronically or paper/pencil) and reviewed May 21st – Final teacher Zoom with students
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Check out the latest construction photo updates!
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Our 2019-2020 Clarke Middle School digital yearbook is live! Students will need to log into their school Google account view the site.
almost 5 years ago, Korey McKasson
Schools to remain closed for remainder of the school year. For more info
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Social Worker, Mrs. Hemesath is offering weekly office hours beginning Thursday, April 16th. See link for details.
almost 5 years ago, Jean Bahls
almost 5 years ago, Jean Bahls