At the home football game this Friday October 25th, FCCLA will be hosting a donation drive for the Ronald McDonald House! Items needed include paper products, personal hygiene products, trash bags, laundry detergent, cleaning products, and aluminum foil, plastic wrap, and sandwich bags. A box to place these items in will be located by the concessions stand. Any and all unused items are welcome! FCCLA will also be hosting a miracle minute to raise money for the Ronald McDonald house, so be sure to keep an ear out for an announcement during the game!

MS/HS students, staff, and parents:
Due to construction the road around the MS/HS building, beginning at the NW corner (just past the admin building) and ending at Shaw St., will be closed Tuesday, October 22nd, from 8:45am to 12:15 pm. No cars will be able to get in or out from that area during that time. Thank you for your understanding during our construction project.

MS Scholastic Book Fair coming soon to the MS/HS Library!!
Oct. 25-Oct. 31, 2019
Online Book Fair now open Oct. 20-Nov. 2.
Scan QR code for book fair website Or visit: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/clarkecommunitymiddleschool2

Cookie dough orders will be ready for pick on Monday, October 21. All orders MUST be picked up between 3:30 and 5PM in the cafeteria.

Cookie dough orders from the middle school fundraiser will be ready for pick on Monday, October 21. All orders MUST be picked up between 3:30 and 5 PM in the cafeteria.

Clarke chorus students participated in a master class with the Broadway star, Mary Kate Morrissey.

There will be NO school for students on Monday, October 14th. This is a professional development day for teachers.

High school choir students performed in the SCC choir festival on Monday. Congratulations on a job well done!

We are needing 3 people to help us with the chain gang tonight for MS football. Please contact us at 342-6505 ext 503.

2019 Clarke Homecoming Coronation LIVE in about 15 minutes! https://youtu.be/8GbzNDoux3A

Students grades 7-10, are you interested to visiting Washington, D.C. and Boston over spring break? Join us Tuesday, September 24th at 6:00pm in the LMC for an informational meeting!

MS/HS announcement: Our expectation is that ALL 7-12 students go to the parade after coronation on Friday. Students will be supervised by staff to and from the parade. Students who normally ride the bus will depart at the normal 3:30 time.

The junior class will be selling Homecoming shirts tonight before boom night. Youth sizes through adult medium are left.

HS Art Honor Society will be painting faces for Spirit Day tomorrow! Designs cost $1-5 depending on size. We will be available in the MS/HS student lounge before school and during HS lunch. We will also be at the family tailgate and at the game. Come show your Clarke spirit and support AHS!

Homecoming shirts will be sold at High School Auditorium before and after school Tuesday – Friday. Sold at the elementary lobby Wednesday – Friday in the morning starting at 7:30. Shirts are again $5 each.

MS STUDENTS: Don’t forget to turn in your fundraiser orders and money tomorrow, Friday, September 13th.

The XC meet scheduled for tonight has been cancelled due to weather.

Design pictures for the secondary campus now available on the Clarke website: https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/construction-information

MS Cheerleading will start Tuesday, Sept. 10 from 4-6 with location TBD.

School dismisses at 2:25 today.