Monday, APRIL 8
HS Boys Golf @ Saydel, 4:00 PM, Woodland Hills Golf Course, 620 NE 66th Ave, Des Moines, IA 50313
HS Girls Track @ Creston, 4:30 PM, Creston High School, 601 W Townline St, Creston, IA 50801
MS Boys Track Clarke Relays (home), 4:00 PM, Clarke Community Middle/High School, 800 N Jackson St, Osceola, IA 50213
MS Girls Track Clarke Relays (home), 4:00 PM, Clarke Community Middle/High School, 800 N Jackson St, Osceola, IA 50213
Flag Squad Auditions (grades 8-11), 7:30 AM, HS Gym
Tuesday, APRIL 9
HS Boys Golf @ Creston, 4:00 PM, Pine Valley Golf Course, Creston, IA 50801
HS Girls Golf @ Creston, 4:00 PM, Pine Valley Golf Course, Creston, IA 50801
HS Boys Tennis @ Ballard, 4:15 PM, Ballard High School, 701 Ballard Dr, Huxley, IA 50124
HS Girls Tennis vs. Ballard (Home), 4:15 PM, Clarke Community Middle/High School, 800 N Jackson St, Osceola, IA 50213
HS Boys Track Chariton Invite, 4:30 PM, Chariton High School, 501 N Grand St, Chariton, IA 50049
Family Night, 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM, Clarke Community Elementary School, 420 E Jefferson St, Osceola, IA 50213, Cafeteria, free dinner @ 5:30 and interactive family magic show from 6-7
Flag Squad Auditions (grades 8-11), 7:30 AM, HS Gym
Wednesday, APRIL 10
1 Hour Early Out - Teacher Professional Development
Elementary & MS Blue Shirt Day
Clarke Band Boosters Meeting @ 6:00 pm, Clarke Community Middle/High School, 800 N Jackson St, Osceola, IA 50213, Band Room
Flag Squad Auditions (grades 8-11), 7:30 AM, HS Gym
Thursday, APRIL 11
HS Girls Tennis @ Knoxville, 4:15 PM, Knoxville High School, 1811 W Madison St, Knoxville, IA 50138
HS Girls Golf @ Wayne, 4:00 PM, Corydon Golf Club, 620 S East St, Corydon, IA 50060
MS Girls Track @ Wayne, 4:00 PM, QM88+PR Corydon, Iowa
HS Boys Tennis vs. Knoxville (home), 4:15 PM, Clarke Community Middle/High School, 800 N Jackson St, Osceola, IA 50213
HS Boys Track Goos Invite (Home), 4:00 PM, Clarke Community Middle/High School, 800 N Jackson St, Osceola, IA 50213
HS B & G Soccer @ Chariton, 5:30 PM, Chariton High School, 501 N Grand St, Chariton, IA 50049
School Board Meeting @ 6:00, Clarke Community School Administration, 802 N Jackson St, Osceola, IA 50213, central office board room
Flag Squad Auditions (grades 8-11), 7:30 AM, HS Gym
Friday, APRIL 12
MS Boys Track @ Winterset, 4:30 PM, Van Meter School, 520 1st Avenue, Van Meter, IA 50261, This event is in Van Meter due to construction at the Winterset site.
HS Boys Soccer HOME, 5:30 PM
HS Girls Soccer @ HOME, 5:30 PM
HS Spring Play "The Miracle Worker", 7:30 PM, Clarke Community Middle/High School, 800 N Jackson St, Osceola, IA 50213
SCC Visual Arts Day/Conference, 10-2 PM, Indian Hills Community College, Ottumwa, IA
Flag Squad Auditions (grades 8-11), 7:00 AM, HS Gym
Saturday, APRIL 13
HS Spring Play "The Miracle Worker", 7:30 PM, Clarke Community Middle/High School, 800 N Jackson St, Osceola, IA 50213
Anime Day (MS/HS), 10-2 PM, Clarke Community Middle/High School, 800 N Jackson St, Osceola, IA 50213, contact bwebb@clarke.k12.ia.us for details
Sunday, APRIL 14
No events scheduled

Busses will run on hard surfaces only the rest of the week starting the morning of the 3rd of April.

Current 8th - 11th graders who are interested in auditioning for flags should attend an informational meeting tomorrow morning (Tuesday) at 7:30 AM in the band room. If students cannot attend, then they need to talk to Ms. Snider before the end of the week.

Current 8th - 11th graders interested in playing football next fall there is a mandatory informational meeting regarding our summer schedule on Friday April 5th at 3:40 in the LMC, looking forward to seeing you there! If you are not able to make the meeting please let Coach Matthess know.

Clarke Washington DC trip is open for enrollment through March 31st. 6th, 7th, 8th & 9th graders' are eligible for this amazing trip. Flyers are available to pick up in the Elem, MS, & HS offices or go to;
www.efexploreamerica.com/1933087PW to enroll now & join us

Buses will be on hard surface only through March 29 morning and afternoon.

March 25 buses on hard surface only morning and afternoon.

Reminder: If your middle school student has not yet brought their Chromebooks and chargers to school, please do so on Monday, March 25th. Plan on keeping them at the school until after ISASP testing. Thank you for your assistance.

Next week is ISASP testing! Students in grades 3-11 have had exposure to this new online test through tool tutorials and some practice tests; however, extra practice and exposure would be beneficial. Here are the links to the tutorial and practice tests.

Reminder: If your middle school student has not yet brought their Chromebooks and chargers to school, please do so on Friday, March 22nd.Plan on keeping them at the school until after ISASP testing. Thank you for your assistance.

Reminder: Middle school students are required to bring their Chromebooks and chargers to school on Thursday, March 21st and to plan on keeping them at the school until after ISASP testing. Thank you for your assistance.

Barring any more cancelled school days, the School Board approved the following changes to the 2018-19 school calendar.
Last day for students is Thursday, May 30th.
Last day for teachers is Wednesday, June 5th.

Beginning March 18th until further notice buses will be on hard surface only morning and afternoon.

Clarke K-12: There will be no school March 11-15 for spring break. Classes will resume on Monday, March 18th.

Just a reminder that the Clarke food and clothing pantry will be CLOSED today, March 11th. It will reopen Monday, March 18th.

The school board meeting scheduled for April 8th has been moved to April 11th @ 6:00 pm in the central office board room. This change is reflected on our website and app calendars. Thank you.

Check out how our Clarke archers are doing at the state tournament in Des Moines this weekend. https://nasptournaments.org/schoolsearch.aspx

Can't find MS/HS daily announcements on the Clarke app?
MS & HS announcements are available via a link on the app. It is located as a pinned post in the both MS and HS Clarke Happenings area.
Haven't got the app? Get it FREE in the Apple or Google app stores.

Clarke Community Schools is interested in obtaining feedback about the Clarke App that was introduced this past fall. Please help by filling out this short survey. Thank you for your assistance!

The Iowa Media Network and The Pitch in Centerville, Iowa, will be livestreaming the SCC Middle School Chorus Festival Concert tonight on www.facebook.com/thepitchia as well as on https://www.gopitchtv.com/middle-school-chorus-scc-festival-2019/