Enjoy winter break! See you in 2019.

Clarke MS/HS Students & Staff!
REMINDER: Tomorrow, Friday December 21 is Flannel Friday - wear your favorite flannel (or plaid) to school. #saygoodbyeto2018 #clarkefamily #onetribe

Clarke K-12: School will be let out 2 hours early on Friday, December 21st. There will be no school Monday, December 24th through Wednesday, January 2nd due to winter break. Classes will resume Thursday, January 3rd.

The MS/HS Winter Band Concert is tonight at 7 pm in the auditorium. MS Band Members should dress up in nice clothes and be in the band room by 6:30 pm. HS Band Members should be in the band room dressed in their uniforms by 7 pm. Admission is free.

MS Wrestling Parents - The middle school wrestling schedule has been updated on our app. Please check for updated dates and locations.

December's Family Night is 5:30 on Tuesday the 11th @ the elementary school. FREE dinner and a presentation from Living History Farms! Open to all Clarke families!

Another round behind us. Definitely a more challenging set of images than last round. Official scores come out in about a week.

10 minutes to the start of Round 2! Shirts, coins, and pins are waiting for the teams to arrive.

The location of the MS wrestling meet scheduled for Friday, December 7th @ 4:00, has been moved to Perry, IA.

Chorus concert is Dec. 18th at 7pm. 7th gr. choir should arrive at 6:45pm.

Chorus concert is Dec. 18th at 7pm. 8th gr. choir should arrive at 6:35pm.

Chorus concert is Dec. 18th at 7pm. Concert choir should arrive at 6:15pm.

Chorus concert is Dec. 18th at 7pm. Chamber choir should arrive at 6:15pm.

Friday November 30th buses will be on hard surfaces only.

Buses will pick up students on all open country roads.

Clarke Schools will have regular school hours Tuesday, November 27th. Buses will be on hard surfaces only.

Clarke Community Schools will be closed Monday November 26, 2018.

Clarke K-12: There will be no school Wednesday, November 21 through Friday, November 23rd due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. Classes will resume Monday, November 26th.

Join us tomorrow, November 14th, from 5:30-7:00 pm in the MS/HS library for the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) meeting. We will prioritize action steps to meet previously set goals.

Come and visit OZ when the HS Drama and Music Departments present The Wizard of Oz this Friday @ Saturday @ 7:30. Reserved seats $7, General admission $5.