The Middle School Office is now by the Auditorium. Please use entrance #32 down past the flag pole.

The HS CC meet and MS FB games scheduled for today have been postponed due to the heat. No practice for either groups today.

Middle school picture day is coming up on Wednesday, September 21. Check out the link below for all the information! https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/652/Clarke_Community_Schools/2448377/Picture_Day_Flyer.pdf

One of the features of Bound is that students can register for any sport/activity they "may" want to participate in throughout the year now. The Clarke Activities Department is needing parents/guardians to register their students now. We are doing this in order to properly schedule events and fill coaching positions. Please go back into your Bound account and register accordingly.

We hope to see you at our events this coming week!

Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are looking forward to the first day of school tomorrow and having your children attend Clarke Middle School. I want to remind you of a few important details to ensure a successful first day.
Review your child's schedule with them on Infinite Campus before arriving at school tomorrow morning
-At 8:00 a.m. students will report to their first-period class
-Doors open at 7:40 a.m.
-Classes begin at 8:00 a.m.
-The school will dismiss at 3:25 p.m.
-Students will enter through entry 32 (doors located by the windows with the
large Clarke C)
We look forward to a fantastic year!

Make sure if you are a 7th or 8th grader and you want to participate in a MS Fall sport, make sure you've registered via Bound. That information can be found in multiple spots on the schools new website. If you have questions, you can email me at: randy.bolton@clarkecsd.org

Final reminder regarding the Fall Online Team Store. It closes tonight at 11:59pm.

Make sure to check out our CMS Facebook Group. The CMS Facebook Group will contain updates, reminders, and highlights of the great things happening at Clarke Middle School!

Important Dates

Check out the link below to the 2022-2023 Clarke Middle School Supply Lists: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/652/Clarke_Community_Schools/2311235/Secondary_School_supply_list.pdf

There will be a MS Football camp held on August 9th through the 11th from 6:30-7:30 at the turf field. There is NO cost. Please wear shorts, t-shirt and football shoes if you have them.

Correction on previous post. Store closes on Wednesday, August 3.

The MS Track Meet that was scheduled for today at CD has been postponed. We will not be able to attend as the rescheduled date is the date of our SCC Meet.

The 7th and 8th Grade Spring Band Concert is tonight at 7:15 PM in the auditorium. Admission is free. Band members should dress up and be in the band room by 6:45 PM to warm up their instruments.

Good Morning! Clarke MS will be taking our ISASP testing on April 13, 20, and 27. Make sure that you get plenty of sleep the night before, eat a healthy breakfast, and be confident! You are all going to do great work!!

7th and 8th grade Chorus students represented Clarke well at the South Central Conference Choir Festival!

Congratulations to these SCC MS Honor Band Members! Participants included Emily Glenn, Easton Brokaw, Casey Wade, Jonathan Galvez, Aryanna Hewlett, Abbi Nash, and Annabelle Williams. They performed in a great concert last night in Knoxville with the other conference schools!

Any current 8th, 9th, 10th, or 11th grade student who is interested in flags should attend the meeting on Wednesday (March 30) during 9th hour in the 7-12 band room. Any student who cannot attend the meeting will need to talk to Mrs. Kelso for more information.

Congratulations to all of the performers at the Clarke 7-8 Solo & Ensemble Festival last Thursday! Outstanding Performance Awards were earned by Emily Glenn for her trumpet solo, Abbi Nash for her snare drum solo, and Casey Wade for his alto saxophone solo! Way to go!