Checkout the latest construction pictures! https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/construction-information

Reminder: On Monday, June 22nd from 4-5 pm, the school food pantry will offer drive up food assistance. This will be staple grocery items. Please stay in car at the district office parking lot and we will bring you groceries!

If you have not filled out the Technology Survey, please do so by June 24th. Thanks! http://bit.ly/iowatechsurvey

Online registration for the 2020-2021 school year is now open. Access through: parent portal -->more -->online registration. To set up or reset your portal account, call 342-4969. Fees will be assigned August 1st, due August 24th. A notification will be sent.

Meal distribution now through noon!

Let's Play Ball!!! Our Clarke Baseball and Softball teams open up at Chariton today. JV/V Baseball at 5:30 and JV/V Softball at 6:00. Go Indians!!! Please remember to follow our new guidelines that we've been given.

Technology and family needs surveys are now open. Read more and find the links here: https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/article/258938?org=clarke-community-schools

Beginning June 22, The school food pantry will offer curbside pick-up. Food will be pre-packed basic food necessities. This will continue each Monday at 4:00 at the Central Office parking lot.

Join us for the DC/Boston informational meeting tonight via zoom at 7:00pm. Any students going into 7th grade and above may join the trip. Anyone already going on the trip does not need to attend. See link for details. https://tinyurl.com/y9yoq5kb

Meal distribution 11-noon!

Clarke Working on Return to Learn Plan https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/article/257581?org=clarke-community-schools

Reminder that the online baseball/softball apparel store closes tonight at 11:59pm. https://clarkebaseballsoftball.itemorder.com/
No extensions possible.

Meal distribution today 11-noon!

Seniors/graduates are reminded that scholarship & award packets are in the high school office Mon-Thurs 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Packets include honor cords for in-person graduation. Each graduate also receives a $5 gift certificate to Junction Creamery!

Meal distribution 11-12 today!

Our online Baseball/Softball Team Store orders are open now. Ordering closes June 4th at 11:59pm.

Meal distribution happening today from 11-12. Meal distribution will continue through the end of June, every Monday and Thursday from 11-12.

Kindergarten class of 2032- check out this week’s newspaper! Thank you to the businesses who sponsored!

Senior scholarship & award packets are available for pick up in the high school office Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Packets include honor cords for in-person graduation. Each graduate also receives a $5 gift certificate to Junction Creamery! THANK YOU Kim Short!!

The cast of Mamma Mia is now posted on the Clarke app and website. This will be a fun show!!