Students in grades 8-12 that are interested in playing baseball/softball this summer and you haven't been in communication with either of the coaches, please email me at Practices start June 1st, with parent meetings this week.
almost 5 years ago, Randy Bolton
SAVE THE DATE! Clarke will attempt to have an in-person graduation of some type (more traditional or drive-thru) on JUNE 28th depending on the restrictions in place at that time.
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Did you miss it? Virtual graduation is still available through the YouTube link to view at your convenience.
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Thanks again to Osceola Foods for donating the senior class signs on the courthouse lawn. SENIORS: you may pick up your sign this afternoon.
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Virtual Graduation starting NOW!
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Join us for Clarke Virtual Graduation! Premiere at 2:00 PM.
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Clarke Virtual Graduation premieres at 2:00 tomorrow on the Clarke CSD YouTube Channel!
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
The Department of Education just announced there will be NO MS sports this summer. 8th graders are eligible to play on the HS teams if that was going to be the school policy already.
almost 5 years ago, Randy Bolton
Meal distribution happening 11:00-12:00. No meal distribution Monday due to Memorial Day.
almost 5 years ago, Becca Kedley
The IGHSAU/IHSAA just announced that we will play ball this summer. Not sure what levels will get to play. Practice starts June 1st, with games starting June 15th. More guidance will be available next week.
almost 5 years ago, Randy Bolton
The decision to play baseball/softball this summer hasn’t been cleared by the athletic associations yet. The Governor’s statement isn’t the final decision. I’ll keep everyone updated.
almost 5 years ago, Randy Bolton
SAVE THE DATE! Clarke will attempt to have an in-person graduation of some type (more traditional or drive-thru) on JUNE 28th depending on the restrictions in place at that time.
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Summer sport registration is now open. We will not know until June 1st if we are playing. Please complete online registration.
almost 5 years ago, Randy Bolton
Food distribution today from 11:00 -12:00 at the four locations.
almost 5 years ago, Jody Kerchal
The virtual graduation video link will appear on Clarke's Twitter, Facebook, app, and website at 2:00 PM on Sunday, May 24th. This will be sent out via text message as well at that time.
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Congratulations to these four marvelous educators who are retiring from Clarke Community Schools: Ron Pendegraft, Deborah Rowe, Lori Ehrhardt, and Jeff Ehrhardt. These teachers have dedicated their lives to student learning and Clarke has been blessed to have them using their skill sets to educate our kids. We don’t get to have the usual celebration for these folks due to the pandemic so if you can, please find a way to personally show them your appreciation for all they have done for Clarke Schools.
almost 5 years ago, Brad Lampe
Lori Ehrhardt
Jeff Ehrhardt
Ron Pendegraft
Deborah Rowe
Clarke High School students with SWCC textbooks should return them today (excluding college stats and calculus). Drop them off at the middle school entrance.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Scott
Meal distribution now-noon!
almost 5 years ago, Becca Kedley
MS/HS students - ALL library books are due back to school by May 29th. To return your book(s), please take them to the MS entrance and place them in the assigned area. Do not worry about paying overdue book fines at this time. All overdue book fines stopped on March 13th. All existing fines before that date have not increased while we have been away from school. Students that don't return library books will have the replacement fee(s) for the book(s) added to their library account. If you have already returned your library books, THANK-YOU!! Mrs. Wiley, 7-12 Teacher Librarian"
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Summer Activities Update: We will not know the status of any summer sports or school related activities until June 1st when Governor Reynolds will announce the plan for this summer.
almost 5 years ago, Randy Bolton