Meal distribution happening now! 11:00-noon

If you purchased spring sport apparel from The Graphic Edge, it will be available Wednesday from 9-noon by the HS office. Please practice physical distancing when you arrive.

For information regarding Elementary Student Supply Pick Up please refer to the linked article. https://tinyurl.com/y9y36vrg

7-12th grade medication pick up from the school nurse: May pick up medications from the MS office this week Monday through Thursday 9-1.

Meal distribution today from 11-noon!

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION for 7-12 LOCKER CLEAN OUT: Any personal items remaining in your locker by the end of the week will be tossed. Thank you!

7-12 locker clean out from 9-1 on Monday through Thursday this week. Please enter from the middle school entry and maintain social distancing.

There has not been a decision made regarding the summer baseball/softball seasons. The IGHSAU/IHSAA will meet later in May to determine if/when those seasons we begin. This is not a local decision, but done at the State level.

Iowa High School Spring Sports are Canceled.
See article below from the state.

Schools to remain closed for remainder of the school year. For more info https://tinyurl.com/y9lrtofx

The Clarke HS ball fields will be lit up tonight from 8-8:20PM to honor all of our students, especially our seniors! Everyone is welcome to drive by, but please do not stick around. Honor social distancing to keep others healthy! #lightupIA

Meal distribution TODAY from 11-noon at Weldon, Woodburn, Warren Park and Elem! Van Wert (CD distribution) postponed until tomorrow.

Social Worker, Mrs. Hemesath is offering weekly office hours beginning Thursday, April 16th. See link for details. https://tinyurl.com/wqvdlgj

Thank you to Osceola Travel Plaza BP and Elliot Oil for initiating this win-win idea. For every gallon of gas sold at this pump, Elliot Oil will donate 2 cents to our Athletic Department! Come support your school by purchasing some fuel.

Meal distribution happening today from 11:00-noon! Hope to see you!

El sitio del Plan de Aprendizaje Voluntario Continuo de Clarke está en vivo ahora. Lea más de como tener acceso al sitio, regresar el trabajo del estudiante, y las sesiones semanales opcionales en Zoom con las maestras aquí: https://tinyurl.com/t6pn227

Clarke’s Voluntary Continuous Learning Plan site is now live. Read more about accessing the site, returning student work, and optional student weekly Zoom sessions with teachers here: https://www.clarke.k12.ia.us/article/230529?org=clarke-community-schools

The Clarke Baseball, Football, and Softball fields WILL BE LIT UP ON FRIDAY AT 8-8:15PM.
The Iowa High School Athletic Directors Association (IHSADA) would like to invite you to participate in a voluntary program as we seek to “Light Up Iowa” by lighting up our stadiums at 8:00 pm each Friday night. At 8:00 weekly on Friday night we ask that we all join together and turn on the lights of our stadiums and leave them on for one minute for each day we have been out of school.

Elementary Success Coaches are offering weekly office hours beginning the week of April 13th. See link for details. https://tinyurl.com/wt6eqb8