Meal Distribution now-noon!! Packet drop off until 7:00pm
almost 5 years ago, Becca Kedley
Clarke High School students with SWCC textbooks should return them today (excluding college stats and calculus). Drop them off at the middle school entrance.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Scott
Clarke Community High School wants to congratulate senior students Landi Helgevold and Jayden Miller for earning Associate Degrees from SWCC! Their virtual graduation ceremony is tonight, May 8th, at 7:30 PM.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Scott
Meal Distribution today 11:00-noon
almost 5 years ago, Becca Kedley
Clarke Community High School proudly presents the Class of 2020!
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Scott
The 2020-2021 Online Course Registration for incoming 9th-12th grade students is now open. Detailed information for selecting courses and registering for SWCC courses is available at the following link:
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Scott
CLARKE SENIORS: Please send your senior, baby, and other senior class pics to Mrs. Reece by MAY 5th!!
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
As Continuous Learning comes to an end, please take note of the below dates. Thanks to students, staff, and families for all their work in making our Continuous Learning a success. Mr. Seid May 10th – Final video posted, for the week of May 11th May 11th-15th - Students’ final week of work May 18th – Final packets turned in (electronically or paper/pencil) and reviewed May 21st – Final teacher Zoom with students
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
The Clarke Activities Department is needing an action photo of all Senior spring athletes from their Junior year. Please send to by May 8th. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Randy Bolton
CLARKE SENIORS: Please send your senior, baby, and other senior class pics to Mrs. Reece by MAY 5th!!
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Elementary students who have not picked up their supplies may pick them up today from 9:00-12:30! Come to circle drive!
almost 5 years ago, Becca Kedley
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Congratulations to Coel Reece! He was named Clarke Community High School's Governor's Scholar.
almost 5 years ago, Jennifer Scott
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
CLARKE SENIORS: Please send your senior, baby, and other senior class pics to Mrs. Reece by MAY 5th!!
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
K-2 Student supply pick up happening now! 4:00-6:00pm! Kindergarten: south side. 1st grade: west side. 2nd grade: circle drive
almost 5 years ago, Becca Kedley
Meal distribution today 11:00-12:00! Packet drop off 8:00-7:00! Kindergarten - 2nd grade student supply pick up today 4:00-6:00! 3rd-6th grade tomorrow (Tuesday)!
almost 5 years ago, Becca Kedley
Clarke Community School was proud to participate in the #iowahsada @lightupIA tonight. 2020 Seniors...You Rock!!
almost 5 years ago, Randy Bolton
Check out the latest construction photo updates!
almost 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Final Friday Light Up Your Stadiums! April 24th 8:20-8:45 pm in honor of the Senior Class of 2020. Please practice physical distancing. You are welcome to drive through the campus, but please don't stop and get out.
almost 5 years ago, Randy Bolton