The Centerville MS Basketball games scheduled for today, are now cancelled as we couldn't find a common date to reschedule.

Due to Centerville being closed on Monday, MS Basketball games have been postponed. Reschedule TBA

Buses will be on hard surface only January 20th both morning and afternoon routes.

The Chariton Archery tournament scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed.

There is no archery tournament in Chariton tomorrow, Saturday, January 18. Make up date pending.

The JV/V Wrestling at ADM scheduled for tomorrow has been cancelled.

The JV Wrestling at Centerville and Speech Tournament in Omaha have been cancelled for today.

Due to the predicted weather, school is canceled for Friday January 17th.

The Bedford G/B Varsity Basketball games originally scheduled for 1/13, have been moved to Thursday, January 23rd.

Due to change of date and shortage of officials for basketball at Knoxville tonight, the following is the schedule:
HS Gym: 6:30 Var Girls then Var Boys
MS Gym: 5:00 JV1B, then JV2B, followed by JVG

A JV2 Boys Basketball date was added after the hard copy of winter schedule was released. They play at Leon vs.Indianola @ 6:00 and then C-D @ 7:15.

Join us for Family Night beginning at 5:30 in the elementary cafeteria! Free dinner, book bingo and every student goes home with a book!

Due to potential weather on Friday, we've moved the Conference HS Basketball games scheduled for Friday back to Thursday Jan. 16th.

As a result of weather, buses will be on hard surface only the afternoon of January 13th.

Join us for family night tomorrow (Tuesday) night at 5:30-7:00 in the Elementary Cafeteria. Free dinner and activity! It is literacy night so every student will get a free book!!

January 13th buses on hard surfaces for the morning routes only. Normal bus routes will resume in the afternoon.

January 13 hard surface only is just for morning routes.

Buses on hard surface only January 13th.

Clarke Elementary circle drive will be closed tomorrow morning due to thick, dangerous ice on the steps. Please drop off students on the west side at entrance 12 and 13.

Due to the pending weather, students will be dismissed two hours early January 10th.