Come out to watch our Clarke Archery Club participants today at the high school.
about 5 years ago, Randy Bolton
Come out and support our Clarke Archery teams tomorrow starting at 8am. All competition is located in the HS gym. GO CLARKE!!
about 5 years ago, Randy Bolton
Classes resume on Friday, January 3rd.
about 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Reminder that the school Food and Clothing Pantry will be open from 4-5 today.
about 5 years ago, Becky Jones-Webb
The Clarke Food and Clothing Pantry WILL be open today at 4:00. Come and see us if we can help you with groceries or warm clothes!
about 5 years ago, Becky Jones-Webb
Come support our High School Basketball teams as they play Centerville tonight. Games start at 5:00. Our pep band along with some alumni will be providing some music. Wear your ugly sweaters!
about 5 years ago, Randy Bolton
Students will dismiss two hours early from school on Friday. Elementary will dismiss at 1:00 and secondary at 1:25. Sorry for any confusion.
about 5 years ago, Becca Kedley
There will be a 1:25pm dismissal on Friday, December 20th for the beginning of winter break. Classes will resume on Friday, January 3rd.
about 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
The MSHS building has been given the all clear. MS wrestling practice has been cancelled. All other activities are still as scheduled.
about 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
The fire department has cautioned us to rescind our all clear for practices and events this evening until they have investigated the situation at the MS/HS a bit further. Please do not come to the school. Another announcement will follow.
about 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Practices and events are still on for tonight at the MS/HS building.
about 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
There was a fire inside one of the construction areas at the MS/HS building. It has been contained and all students are safe. Information about evening practices or activities will be available soon.
about 5 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Archery Club: Practice tonight Monday, December 16 will end at 6:45 PM. All students will need to leave or be picked up by then.
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Scott
Clarke Archers were hard at work early this morning at the Madrid Tiger Holiday Shootout. Check out the photos for today’s top male and female archer in each school. Their next competition is January 4 at Clarke High School. Come check them out! 🎯 🏆 🏹
about 5 years ago, Jennifer Scott
The MS Wrestling at I-35 for next Tuesday, Dec. 17 will now start at 4:00 instead of 4:15.
over 5 years ago, Randy Bolton
We are so appreciative of our cooks and custodians! Sixth grade students shared essays about how our cooks and custodians use the seven habits at a tea celebration where they were honored. Thank you for all you do!
over 5 years ago, Becca Kedley
Cooks and custodians tea
For those not able to attend the SCC Wrestling Tournament, you can watch it by going to the following link:
over 5 years ago, Randy Bolton
The home MS Wrestling today will be located in the HS Gym.
over 5 years ago, Randy Bolton
Basketball order of events for Dec. 10: HS Gym 5:00 JV G followed by Varsity G, then Varsity B - MS Gym 5:00 JV 1 B, followed by JV 2 B
over 5 years ago, Randy Bolton
Congratulations to Alexis Arnold, Emma Bolton and Kenna DeVore on being selected to participate in the 2019 Drake Honor Band held on December 6-7. The concert was held Saturday evening. Awesome job ladies.
over 5 years ago, Randy Bolton
Honor band