Fifth graders are presenting their Voki characters this week!
about 6 years ago, Lakyn Mathews
Benjamin Franklin
Martin Luther King Jr.
George W. Bush
If your child loves math, or you’re looking for a way to have enhance learning with family game night, TAG students have been loving The 24 Game! They must manipulate integers to equal a number on the card. It is challenging and engaging!
about 6 years ago, Molly Fitzpatrick
The 24 Game
Did you miss the live streams of Bus Drivers Breakfast or the Cooks & Custodians Tea? You can view them here! Breakfast: Tea:
about 6 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Join elementary student leaders via livestream as they present the Cooks and Custodians Tea this afternoon at approximately 1:45.
about 6 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Elementary student leaders put on bus drivers appreciation breakfast. Livestream begins soon! from 8:30 to 9:00
about 6 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
December's Family Night is 5:30 on Tuesday the 11th @ the elementary school. FREE dinner and a presentation from Living History Farms! Open to all Clarke families!
about 6 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
Clarke Family Night
6th graders enjoyed live debates in writing class on whether Issra should attend "Riverside Middle School" or Westlake Academy" using their opinions and text evidence.
about 6 years ago, Chanell Gay
Westlake was serious about their students!
Riverside is a great middle school!
Homemade Westlake uniforms! One point!
Go Westlake!
6th graders enjoyed live debates in writing class on whether Issra should attend "Riverside Middle School" or Westlake Academy" using their opinions and text evidence.
about 6 years ago, Chanell Gay
go Riverside
Riverside vs Westlake
Westlake has a soccer field with a real team!
Who will win? Riverside or Westlake Academy?
This week is Computer Science Education Week! Fourth grade students in 4D participated in Hour of Code, creating their own animated story using Scratch 3.0.
about 6 years ago, Caitlin Crook
Please join us Tuesday, December 11 at the Elementary School for our next Clarke Family Night! Free dinner at 5:30 and Living History Farms will be doing rotations and crafts about the Ioway Indians at 6:00! Enter through entrance 5. Open to all Clarke families!
about 6 years ago, Becca Kedley
Living History Farms Family Night
Mr. Ray's Spanish III and IV students did an excellent job of reading Spanish story books to our students! Go team Clarke!
about 6 years ago, Stacia Watkins
High School student reading story in Spanish.
Child enjoying listening to story read in Spanish.
Boys entertained by story being read in Spanish.
December 4th Concert Reminders: Kindergarten concert at HS Auditorium 6:30. 6th grade band concert starting shortly after 7:00 in the Elementary cafeteria.
about 6 years ago, Randy Bolton
6th Grade Band Concert Tonight 7:00 pm.-Elementary Cafeteria
about 6 years ago, Tanya Hardy
6th graders: please remember to work on your D.A.R.E. essays. Your 5 paragraph essay is due: Dec. 10 in order for you to attend D.A.R.E. graduation. Use page 23 in your book for the requirements.
about 6 years ago, Chanell Gay
D.A.R.E. essay requirements
Friday November 30th buses will be on hard surfaces only.
about 6 years ago, Steve Seid
Buses will pick up students on all open country roads.
about 6 years ago, Steve Seid
Clarke Schools will have regular school hours Tuesday, November 27th. Buses will be on hard surfaces only.
about 6 years ago, Steve Seid
Clarke Community Schools will be closed Monday November 26, 2018.
about 6 years ago, Steve Seid
Clarke Elementary student leaders checking in our friends and supporters for Leadership Day. Join us today from 9-11 am at the elementary.
about 6 years ago, Jean Bahls
Student leaders at check in
Clarke K-12: There will be no school Wednesday, November 21 through Friday, November 23rd due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. Classes will resume Monday, November 26th.
about 6 years ago, Clarke Community Schools