Parents/guardians of current 8th grade students: Please see attachments for information regarding required dental screening for 9th grade.
Recordatorio de notificación sobre exámenes dentales:
Padres / tutores de los estudiantes actuales del octavo grado: Consulte los archivos adjuntos para obtener información sobre los exámenes dentales requeridos para el noveno grado.

ISASP testing for grades 3-11 begins Monday. Read more at the link below:

FFA Banquet will be live streamed tonight on Ag Department Facebook page.

Due to conflicts with MS track meets, the 7th and 8th Grade Spring Band Concert has been moved to Thursday, April 22. Seventh grade band members will perform at 7:00 PM, and eighth grade band members will perform at 8:00 PM.

Middle school families; it's not too late to pre-order your 2020-2021 yearbook! Go to ybpay.lifetouch.com , and type in the yearbook ID code 14264721 to order online. You may also order at school. Cost is $15. See Mrs. Manternach to order.

The 7th/8th Grade Jazz Band Concert will be held on Thursday, March 4, at 7:00 PM, in the auditorium. Jazz Band Members should dress up and be in the band room by 6:30 PM on March 4 to warm up and tune their instruments.

The MS Wrestling meet scheduled for today has been postponed due to potential travel issues for the visiting schools.

Just a reminder, if your student is in need of clothing, shoes, or coats (limited sizes available), please contact our Social Worker, Mrs. Hemesath by calling the office of the school your child attends.

The Clarke Activities Department will attempt to live stream our bowling today through Facebook Live, starting at 4pm. Go to the Clarke Community Facebook page. Internet service may be shaky, no guarantees.

Due to the Governor's recent proclamation, Middle School Jazz Band will not be able to have practices through 12/10/20.

Per the Governor's most recent proclamation announced tonight. All youth and middle school sports have been suspended through December 10th. This includes practices and competition.

Middle school families; Before and after school tomorrow, November 12th, students will be selling preorders for the 2020-2021 middle school yearbook. Cost is $15 dollars. If paying by check, make checks out to Clarke Middle School.

Yearbooks for 2020 Clarke grads are in the HS office. Every grad received a FREE yearbook. Please pick up during school hours or make arrangements for someone else to pick up. Siblings should pick up for 2020 grads to reduce the number of people coming to the building.

MS Parents picking up cupcakes, reminder to please be here right after school between 3:25-4:00. Come in on Shaw Street. Pick up will be at the junior high gym entrance. We will have your students ready with their smaller orders. If you have a large order, you may need to park, and we will get your order out to you. We are asking that parents do not come into the building.

Reminder To Clarke Middle School Families: Scratch Cupcake delivery day is this Thursday, October 22nd! :) Please make arrangements to be here right after school if you are helping your child pick up his/her order. Orders will be arranged in the new cafeteria. The cupcakes are coming frozen that day, so it is important that you are there to pick them up right away if you intend to keep them frozen.

Local Farmers we appreciate you! Osceola FFA has partnered with the Iowa Corn Growers Association to provide a sack lunch at the United Farmers Co-op on Friday, October 9th from 11-1. Come see us Friday!

middle school students - cupcake fundraiser is due Friday, please get your order forms to your advisory ASAP

You can access the school board meeting via Zoom using the information below.
Topic: My Meeting
Time: Sep 30, 2020 05:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 972 7835 4170
Passcode: gQ13P2

The school social worker and elementary school nurse are now accepting clothing donations, with a higher need for boys pants size 5 and up. Please let the school social worker know if you are in need of anything ahemesath@clarke.k12.ia.us. Clothes can be dropped off at the elementary office.

Picture day is September 23rd. Your student(s) can pick up packets in the high school office starting Friday, September 11th.