Good afternoon Clarke Middle School! There have been some questions regarding the Middle School Chromebooks. I apologize for the confusion. I want to clarify that the middle school will be going back to the policy that was in place before Covid; keeping the Chromebooks at school. There are a few reasons behind the change. -To help with prolonging the longevity of our Chromebooks -To ensure all devices are at school when needed -To help minimize the cost that is spent to repair or replace devices There will be a system for students to check out a Chromebook if they have homework to complete outside of school. I appreciate your patience and support. Again, I apologize for any confusion this original announcement may have caused. Thank you, Mrs. Evans
over 3 years ago, Alisha Evans
On Friday, September 10th, please send your student to school with their Chromebook and charger. To help support the longevity of our Chromebooks, we will start housing them at the middle school. Thank you.
over 3 years ago, Alisha Evans
Chromebook & Charger
Another great week at Clarke Middle School! #ReadingStamina #Science
over 3 years ago, Alisha Evans
8th Grade Science
8th Grade Reading
The first three days of middle school were terrific! Our time was spent forming relationships and building a community!
over 3 years ago, Alisha Evans
Team Building
Team Building
Team Building
Team Building
Any middle school student who needs to pick up their Chromebook is welcome to come to the LMC from 3:00-5:30 this evening (Tuesday, August 24th). Please remember a guardian must be present to sign the user policy agreement.
over 3 years ago, Alisha Evans
Clarke Middle School families, please make a note of the following information. Drop off, and pickup will happen in front of entry 31. Students may enter the building at 7:50 in the morning, and dismissal is at 3:25. On the first day of school, all students will report to their advisory first thing in the morning before reporting to their first-period class. We look forward to seeing everyone, Wednesday morning!
over 3 years ago, Alisha Evans
Osceola FFA members represented our community very well, had fun, and made lots of memories at the Iowa State Fair! Many Blue ribbons in their classes. Dean Spalding competed for the first time with his tractor restoration project and won Reserve Champion! Braden Blevins won 2 year old halter class, and Kelli McAfee won Reserve champion Market Lamb. Congrats to all the kids and their hard work! If you see them ask them about their experience…Allyson Abbas-horses/Cowgirl Queen contest, Sydney Garrett- Fair Queen Candidate, Braden Blevins-horses, Osten Blevins- horses, Kacey Boyer- breeding heifer, Jairus Davis, Hannah Wisniewski, and Kelli McAfee- sheep, Dana Halsband- horses and Cowgirl Queen Contest, Shayla Hembry - horses/meat goats and Cowgirl Queen, Dean Spading- Ag Mech, Kelsey Benda- Cowgirl Queen Contest.
over 3 years ago, Brandi Boyd
Congratulations to Kelli McAfee for winning Reserve Champion FFA Market Lamb at the Iowa State Fair! If you are interested in supporting Kelli as she participates in the Sale of Champions please see link below
over 3 years ago, Brandi Boyd
Middle School sports registrations are underway. Must be a 7th or 8th grader to play in middle school. The following link will get you started. MS Football Camp will be August 17-19 from 7-8pm at the grass practice field south of the pool.
over 3 years ago, Randy Bolton
HS fall sport practices begin August 9th. Must be registered on FamilyID and have a valid physical prior to practicing. Practices: Volleyball is from 8-11am, Cross Country is from 7-9am, Football is from 8:30-11:45am. MS will begin practices the 1st day of school.
over 3 years ago, Randy Bolton
6th-grade orientation will be held on Monday, August 23 from 6:00-7:00. From 6:00-6:10 students will meet with their advisor. Student Lighthouse members will then provide tours from 6:10-7:00. We look forward to meeting everyone! The middle school will be hosting scheduled times for all students to pick up their Chromebooks and schedules. Monday, August 9th 12:00-4:00 - 6th Grade 4:00-8:00 - 7th Grade Tuesday, August 10th 12:00-4:00 - 8th Grade 4:00-8:00 - Any individual who was not able to make it during their scheduled time
over 3 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
The MS Softball games scheduled with Chariton have been cancelled for today.
over 3 years ago, Randy Bolton
The MS baseball/softball games scheduled for today have been cancelled due to several weather factors.
over 3 years ago, Randy Bolton
Middle school families; We only have 5 days left to purchase a 2020-2021 middle school yearbook. These will come in at the beginning of next school year. To purchase online, go to, and type in the yearbook ID code 14264721. You may also order at school. Cost is $15. See Mrs. Manternach to order.
almost 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools
MS and HS students will be taking the spring i-Ready test tomorrow and Thursday. Seniors do not need to report to school until 10:00 am.
almost 4 years ago, Jean Bahls
The Spring 7-8 Band Concert is tonight in the auditorium. 7th grade band performs at 7 PM. 8th grade band performs at 8 PM. Performers should dress up. Warm-up Times: 7th Band at 6:40 PM; 8th Band at 7:40 PM.
almost 4 years ago, Clarke Middle School Band
Osceola FFA kiddos you guys are all rock stars! Konrad Boyer competed in State Ag Sales receiving a silver, Allyson Abbas competed in State Job Interview, receiving a gold and 4th in the state, Elli Blackford competed in State Creed Speaking and received silver. Chapter Display (Kelli McAfee, Shayla Hembry, Breanna Selsor, and Alivia Bakley) received a gold. Jairus Davis and Madi Sandel were voting delegates during the state business session. Maddy McCoy received a gold in Greenhand Quiz, while Kelsey Benda received a bronze. Team Ag Sales(Tyler Binning, Kacey Boyer, Osten Blevins, and RJ McCoy) received 2nd in the state in team presentations out of 60 teams and received a silver overall rating! Kelli McAfee and Allyson Abbas received 3rd in the state in the Secretary’s Book!!! Adam Barnard and Hunter Garrett received the highest degree the state can bestow - the Iowa FFA Degree! Devin Devore represented our community very proudly as he shared a very inspiring speech and completed his year of service as a State Officer! Great job! Proud of all of you!
almost 4 years ago, Brandi Boyd
The 6th Grade Band Concert tonight can be live streamed on the Clarke Community School's Facebook page or go to https//
almost 4 years ago, Randy Bolton
As of now, the HS Boys & MS B/G Track are cancelled for tonight. HS B/G Golf has been postponed.
almost 4 years ago, Randy Bolton
Middle school families; We are only 11 books away from reaching our 2020-2021 middle school yearbook sales goal! To purchase online, go to, and type in the yearbook ID code 14264721​. You may also order at school. Cost is $15. See Mrs. Manternach to order.
almost 4 years ago, Clarke Community Schools