Reminder: Clarke Middle School will dismiss at 2:25 today. We look forward to seeing you and your child at your scheduled conference time!

Reminder to sign up for MS/HS Winter Sports (basketball, bowling, wrestling) on FamilyID at https://www.familyid.com/clarke-community-high-middle-school

Middle School Families:
Middle school dance tonight in the middle school gym. 7-9 PM. $3 admission. Students can wear school appropriate costumes. Clarke Middle School students only. No high school students, or students from outside schools may attend.

Clarke Middle School Families!
We have put together an online store to order Clarke t-shirts for our monthly Clarke Day competitions this year. If your child is needing to add to their collection of Clarke apparel, check out our online store happening this week!
https://615graphics.printavo.com/merch/clarkemsapparel These shirts range in price from $8-$15. If your child would like a physical order form to order in person, see Mrs. Manternach. Online ordering can be done anytime this week.

Drive-Thru Flu Vaccine Clinic at the Clarke County Fairgrounds from 4-7 PM Tues Oct 12.

Last week, the middle school kicked off our Step Up Reading Challenge. The Step Up Reading Challenge was kicked off by student leaders presenting the reading challenge to their peers and grade levels having a reading celebration! Our Step Up Reading Challenge encourages students to read at least two steps (30 minutes) at school and two steps (30 minutes) at home.

Oct. 12 is National Farmers Day – a day to recognize and honor hard-working farmers and their contributions to our tables and our economy. Students and staff are encouraged to wear red, white, and blue!

Last week Clarke Middle School enjoyed celebrating homecoming!

Last week Clarke Middle School enjoyed celebrating homecoming!

REMINDER: Monday, September 27, is a teacher in-service day. Students do not have school.

The Clarke Middle School tailgate will be moved to the cafeteria. Please enter through the middle school gym doors. Thank you.

Reminder: On Friday, September 24, students picked up by parents or walking home after school will be dismissed at 2:06.
Bus students will walk to and from the parade with faculty members. If your student is registered as a bus rider but will not be riding the bus tomorrow after school, you must notify the office by 8:30 a.m. Thank you.

HOMECOMING SHIRTS: Ms. Eakes is selling shirts at the secondary building in room 104. Homecoming shirts cost $5. If a student wants to buy a shirt, they will need to stop in room 104 before 8:10 or after 3:25.

HOMECOMING KICK OFF: Today, our middle school enjoyed pajama day and our phenomenally decorated school!

HOMECOMING 2021! Please join us in celebrating Homecoming week. This starts Monday, September 20th!

Reminder: Our students will be completing the i-Ready assessment, Thursday and Friday. All students will report to their advisor for their first period.

I-Ready testing will be the 16th and 17th of September. Testing will run from 8:10. - 10:10. Seniors do not have to be in school until 10:10.

Reminder, Lifetouch will be at Clarke Middle School on Monday, September 13, to take school pictures.

On Thursday, September 16th, and Friday, September 17th, middle school students will be taking the iReady assessment.

Picture day is coming! Lifetouch will be at Clarke Middle School on Monday, September 13.